The Third Murray......We're a Handful!

Two working parents, with 3 kids under age 5!


You Need Tupperware Supporting the Formula Feeding Parents

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Birth

It's been quite some time now, and I haven't posted the birth story. Life gets pretty hectic with 3 kids, but I'll take the time to do it now.

We were scheduled to have an induction on July 5th, at 8am. We woke up late, as usual, and arrived at the hospital around 8:30. Doc broke my water, and by 9 or so, things were rolling. Pitocin started, no contractions yet.

Now you'll have to forgive me as I have no timeline to work with. Ted had the times down, but I wasn't paying too much attention to the clock.

When the contractions started, they weren't bad at first. It took about an hour for them to get strong. When they got unbearable, I called for the magic man/anesthesiologist. Sadly, it took about an hour to get the epidural working. Boy, I was really wishing I hadn't waited that late to ask for one.

Anyway, the epi kicked in, and things started numbing. Feeling pretty good, at first. Then very light headed and nauseous. Turns out my blood pressure dropped to a very low 59/37. Not good. I'm not certain how long it stayed that way before it came back up, but let me tell you, it wasn't a good feeling.

Once the BP came up, I started feeling better. Lots of pressure around 4pm, and I was told to go ahead and push at 4:30. So I did. Push, and Push and Push. Turns out this kid wanted to have a face up view of the world, and from what they tell me, that makes for a harder delivery. No kidding.

45 minutes of pushing, and she arrived. At 5:16pm, we welcomed Laura Cathy into the world. She weighed a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz (despite being born 5 days early) and got 9 and 10 on her apgars (very odd from what the doc said).

She was beautiful from day one, and she's still beautiful. Here's my (now) 6 week old baby girl. We waited 5 long years for this kid to show up.

Our family is now complete. Welcome to the world Laura!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

38 weeks and holding...

Today was my 38 week appt. It's getting close to the end, but not close enough. Had alot of contractions last night, and very uncomfortable in general, but no go at the doctor this morning. They haven't checked me since 36 weeks (when I showed at 3cm) and I'm wondering why, but I guess the doctors know best, right? My doc told me this morning that we'd meet next week and discuss induction if I wanted. Well, I don't really want to be induced. I'd like to do this one natural, since both the other two were inductions, but what I'm more concerned about is not knowing what's going on.

Is is totally normal to be this miserable, or to have contractions this strong and nothing come of it? I mean, I guess I just don't know myself as well as I thought I did, and that's what's bothering me so much today.

So what am I doing? Sitting and waiting. I'm at home, waiting for the day to arrive, waiting for some sign of actual labor, waiting for anything. I don't know when it will happen, all I know is that it will at some point.

Let's hope for sooner rather than later!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What a gap in time...

30 weeks was my last post, this past monday marked 35 weeks. Can you tell I've been a bit busy and pre-occupied?

Let's run down what's happened in the last 5 weeks.

I've been put into Labor and Delivery once (for reasons not worth mentioning)

We've finished the boys bedroom, and they're successfully sleeping as brothers next to each other. It only took really two days to get it all straightened out and they're doing great!

The doc just put me out of work yesterday, so tomorrow is my last day working. Hopefully I can catch up on some sleep in the next few weeks...I"ve been averaging 2-3 hours per night for the last week or so. It's starting to wear on me.

Little girls clothes are done. I just need to wash and get them put up in her dresser. Daddy still needs to build the crib, table and swing, but that will need to be done after I get the room cleaned out. Shooting for this weekend to complete that task.

After that's done, we're ready to go! I still need to pack bags and get things ready for the hospital, but if I work on that, it will only take about an hour, so no big deal.

Perhaps the most exciting news of all, my friend is pregnant! She's going to be a fantastic mother and I'm as thrilled for her as I was for us and our kids! Congrats J, you're going to do just fine!

Being out of work will probably give me a bit more time to post on here and keep tabs. For now, here's another belly shot. This was taken last week, at 34 weeks. Looks like a big old basketball doesn't it?


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

30 weeks, been a long time

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I posted on here.  Time sure gets away from you when you're completely busy.
Steven's 5th birthday party was a couple of weekends ago.  What a huge success that was!  We had 10 kids turn out and they all seemed to have a great time!  I love the birthday parties...especially the ones I don't have to work for :)
Mother's Day is less than two weeks from now.  It's a hard time of the year to deal with, after losing Mom.  She never got to spend a Mother's Day as a grandmother, and that will always be a thought in my mind.  I was just sitting here thinking of the first Mother's Day I had, back in 2001. I had a 1 month old son, was just elated with life in general, and Ted gave me the most wonderful presents (photo albums and frames).  How thoughtful to give a new mother a medium to show off her newest little person!  I was ecstatic.  Now this year, I approach my last Mother's Day as the mom of two.  Time has flown by much too fast.
Steven also "outed" me after dinner the other night.  As we finished and got ready to leave, the topic turned to ages...when he decided the entire restaurant needed to know I was 33 years old :(  Thanks son, I really appreciate that.
Back on topic.   Our 30 week appt was this morning, all is well.  In fact, so well that I think I may have disappointed the staff.  Everything they asked me was answered with the standard "fine".
How are you feeling?  Fine.
Anything unusual going on?  No, I'm Fine.
Any problems we should be aware of?  Nope, still fine.
Stop eating everything you see.  Fine.  (yeah, right)
Maybe next time I'll try to present with a rare, made up, off the wall illness just to spice up the conversation a bit.

2 weeks from now, appt for week 32!  We're getting close!

Friday, April 21, 2006

28 weeks...counting the days

I've actually accomplished something!  The boys bunk beds are being delivered today.  Whew.  It's so nice to have something crossed off the list.  Of course, crossing off the bunk beds means I still have to focus on painting, buying mattresses, switching rooms, etc.  Hey, it's a start right?
Yesterday was Steven's 5th birthday.  Wow.  5 years flies by like nothing.  He's so excited to be 5. He talked about it all day long.  We spent the entire day as a family, museum/aquarium site seeing, out to eat, park time, etc.  It was really a nice day.  I think he had a great time.  Tomorrow is his birthday party.  A real "big kid" party too.    Up until now, it's all been family parties at our house.  I'm really looking forward to this one.
I also spent about an hour in the doctors office on Wednesday getting a nice big Rhogam shot and having blood drawn.  What fun that was!  Now we're set to have appointments every two weeks.  The end is very near...and very scary.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

That movie with Sigourney Weaver

You all remember that movie...Alien...the scene where the alien was just about to pop out of the guys stomach?  If you've seen that movie (or just that scene) you now know what my stomach looks like.  No joking, the jerks and carryings on in there are scary to behold.    My first two pregnancies were more about jabbing and kicking.  This one seems to be about nauseating motion and creeping out bystanders.  In a sick way, it's pretty awesome watching their reactions.  Enjoy it while I can right?
So yesterday marked the 3rd trimester.  I'm 2/3 of the way there already.  This time is flying by.  Very unfair, since I usually enjoy being pregnant so much (this time included) but it just doesn't seem long enough.
I can officially place objects in a balanced state on top of my stomach.  That means it's sticking out far enough that I can (literally) eat off it.  Cool.  That will save on the strength that I am so seriously lacking lately.
27 weeks also marks time to take another belly pic.  You should be seeing that in the next few days.  Be prepared for a shock. It looks like I'm all of a sudden, giving birth to a hippo baby.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Another Week, Getting Close

This coming Monday will mark 27 weeks.  Some say that's the beginning of the third trimester...and what do I have to show for it?
Well, let's see.  I've bought the coming home outfit (along with socks to match - what a nerd huh?).  I've got the carseat, but yet to put it into the cars to make sure it all fits well.  I've got her shoes to wear from the hospital, and I've got some odds and ends I'll need (bottles, etc) but that's it.  I really need to get on the ball.
This past tuesday, we went to the hospital for their tour.  I have to tell you, it's pretty much the same everywhere, except the room that I'll be staying in for the last part fo the stay.  Much nicer (and bigger) than the one I had with the boys.  There's actually room for someone to come in and visit!  Wow, imagine that!
Ted and I are off this weekend to see how much we can cram into 2 days with no boys.  We're spending an adults only weekend (first since 2001).  I'm looking forward to it in a way, but at the same time...I have no idea how I'll manage without the kids.  I wonder if they'll miss us?  I hope they'll be alright.
Have a great weekend!