The Birth
It's been quite some time now, and I haven't posted the birth story. Life gets pretty hectic with 3 kids, but I'll take the time to do it now.
We were scheduled to have an induction on July 5th, at 8am. We woke up late, as usual, and arrived at the hospital around 8:30. Doc broke my water, and by 9 or so, things were rolling. Pitocin started, no contractions yet.
Now you'll have to forgive me as I have no timeline to work with. Ted had the times down, but I wasn't paying too much attention to the clock.
When the contractions started, they weren't bad at first. It took about an hour for them to get strong. When they got unbearable, I called for the magic man/anesthesiologist. Sadly, it took about an hour to get the epidural working. Boy, I was really wishing I hadn't waited that late to ask for one.
Anyway, the epi kicked in, and things started numbing. Feeling pretty good, at first. Then very light headed and nauseous. Turns out my blood pressure dropped to a very low 59/37. Not good. I'm not certain how long it stayed that way before it came back up, but let me tell you, it wasn't a good feeling.
Once the BP came up, I started feeling better. Lots of pressure around 4pm, and I was told to go ahead and push at 4:30. So I did. Push, and Push and Push. Turns out this kid wanted to have a face up view of the world, and from what they tell me, that makes for a harder delivery. No kidding.
45 minutes of pushing, and she arrived. At 5:16pm, we welcomed Laura Cathy into the world. She weighed a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz (despite being born 5 days early) and got 9 and 10 on her apgars (very odd from what the doc said).
She was beautiful from day one, and she's still beautiful. Here's my (now) 6 week old baby girl. We waited 5 long years for this kid to show up.
Our family is now complete. Welcome to the world Laura!