The Third Murray......We're a Handful!

Two working parents, with 3 kids under age 5!


You Need Tupperware Supporting the Formula Feeding Parents

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What a gap in time...

30 weeks was my last post, this past monday marked 35 weeks. Can you tell I've been a bit busy and pre-occupied?

Let's run down what's happened in the last 5 weeks.

I've been put into Labor and Delivery once (for reasons not worth mentioning)

We've finished the boys bedroom, and they're successfully sleeping as brothers next to each other. It only took really two days to get it all straightened out and they're doing great!

The doc just put me out of work yesterday, so tomorrow is my last day working. Hopefully I can catch up on some sleep in the next few weeks...I"ve been averaging 2-3 hours per night for the last week or so. It's starting to wear on me.

Little girls clothes are done. I just need to wash and get them put up in her dresser. Daddy still needs to build the crib, table and swing, but that will need to be done after I get the room cleaned out. Shooting for this weekend to complete that task.

After that's done, we're ready to go! I still need to pack bags and get things ready for the hospital, but if I work on that, it will only take about an hour, so no big deal.

Perhaps the most exciting news of all, my friend is pregnant! She's going to be a fantastic mother and I'm as thrilled for her as I was for us and our kids! Congrats J, you're going to do just fine!

Being out of work will probably give me a bit more time to post on here and keep tabs. For now, here's another belly shot. This was taken last week, at 34 weeks. Looks like a big old basketball doesn't it?



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