So I've felt this baby kicking for a couple of weeks now, which is not uncommon from what I know and read. Especially with subsequent pregnancies, movements are felt quicker than the first. With Steven, I felt him kick around 18 weeks, with Christopher it was the end of 15 weeks. This one, right on queue at the end of 15 weeks.
Now I ask you, why is that so hard for Ted to believe? His standard response...Eh, it's gas. Hey man, I know the difference between gas and a person kicking me in the stomach. Sheesh. Men.
17 weeks. I'm almost half way there and I can't for the life of me figure out where the time is going. I haven't done anything outside of buying some nursery supplies for the baby. I still have to get the rooms organized, move the boys into their room together, and get the nursery setup. Not to mention buying a new carseat (or two), buying the few things we'll need to replenish from the last two (bottles, diapers etc). I've been telling myself that I'll wait until we find out what the sex is, but I'm running out of time fast. I guess this weekend will be a busy one. I'm off to go bunk bed shopping.
Too many weird dreams this weekend to tell you about. Nothing really stood out, so stay tuned for the next installment.
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