The Third Murray......We're a Handful!

Two working parents, with 3 kids under age 5!


You Need Tupperware Supporting the Formula Feeding Parents

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Just call me Rosy

At least, that's the new description my boss used to describe me. Funny, I don't feel very "rosy". If you're going to go floral with the descriptors, I'd probably choose thorny or prickly, not rosy.

The 2nd level ultrasound is scheduled for Friday. Seems as though we'll get at least one more shot of little girl before the end nears. If history holds, we should have ample time to have another set or two of ultrasounds. Usually our kids like to hang in for a while, but I don't know. Everything else about this one has been different, maybe she'll come early and surprise us all. Boy, I hope not. I still haven't done ANYTHING to prepare for this one. I'd better get on the ball.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Reflections on this weekend

The party for Nana went well I think.  I had many compliments on it, and Nana seemed very pleased. It was not a surprise, however, a specific 4 year old spilled the beans!  No matter, it was still fun and everyone had a good time.  What can you expect from 4 year olds really?  It had to happen eventually.
I also didn't realize how "cute" I was pregnant.  At least, that's what everyone tells me. 
Oh, aren't you cute
Look how cute you are! 
What a cute belly! 
I'm certain there are many more adjectives that could be used in place of that word.  How about
Oh, aren't you tired!
Look how big you are!
What a enormous belly!
Yeah, I like those better.
There are also alot of people that love to touch a pregnant woman's belly.  To all those that fit into the category, let me ask a question.  What are you expecting to feel?   Are you hoping to find that one small space in time when a kick will be in perfect unison with your touch?  (ask my husband how difficult that timing is to master)  I honestly don't understand, as I never felt the urge before or while not pregnant. 
Christopher is now realizing what's going on.  He tried to jump on my stomach last night.  When I protested, he got visibly upset.  I explained to him once again that there was a baby in my belly, and he had to be careful. 
This is when the light bulb turned on.  He then tried to look inside my belly button and see the baby.  He talked to my stomach, and rubbed on it...just as if the child was lying right next to me.  What a beautiful innocence.  Steven was a year younger then Christopher is now when he was percolating, so all this interest and fascination is new to me.  Of course, the moment passes as soon as the two boys debate on what happens if they start putting money in your belly button too.  Hey, you hope for those wonderful moments, grab them for the short duration of their visit, and casually move on.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Drum roll please....

Yes, Virginia

(and other surrounding states and localities)...

it is a girl.

Unmistakable 3 lines on the ultrasound...Gonna be a whole different roller coaster ride this time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

1 more day...

of being 32.  I can't believe the time has gone by this fast.  I'll be 33 tomorrow, and in 4 months, have my third child.  Third child...if you had told me 5 years ago that there would be 3, I'd have never believed you.  I always pictured myself with at least one, MAYBE two, but never more than that.  I'm still not sure at this point how to handle that many kids.  My patience is already wearing thin with the boys.
The boys.  Let me tell you about the boys.  Let me tell you about the joys of being a mother to two boys.  Let me tell you about the fights, and the wrestling, and the yelling
and then...
let me tell you about the games they play together, and about the jokes they tell and the games they make up that only they understand, and the words and sounds they make up just to hear the other one laugh.  It's truly something amazing watching siblings interact.  Makes me a little sad that I never got to experience that for myself. 
Well, Ted has promised me a shopping trip to purchase a new kitchen table and chairs for my birthday.  I've wanted one for so long, now I actually have to decide which one to get.  It's exciting buying new furniture.  I have it narrowed down to two sets.  We'll see which one I come home with :)
2 days until the ultrasound!  Are you excited?

Friday, February 17, 2006

Even more good news

Last night Ted felt the baby kick for the first time.  This may not sound that unusual to most people, but to us, this is a huge turn of events.
You see, with the first two kids, he had a hard time telling what was motion and what wasn't from early on.  Then as the kids got further along, they would actually stop moving and be really still every time he put his hand on my stomach.  It was as if they knew and were just messing with him.  No kidding, every time.  I always felt really bad, like there was actually something I could do about it.
Not with this baby.
Last night, I mentioned that there was alot of kicking, and did he want to try feeling it.  So okay, as soon as he put his hand on my stomach, this kid went nuts.  It's as if this baby knew what was going on and decided to put on a floor show.  Pretty awesome, I have to tell you.  He described the feelings as "heartbeats".  You know, I never thought of it that way, but that's the perfect way to describe it.  When you feel it from the outside, it's just like putting your hand over your heart.  Thump thump thump.
I'm a much happier person now.  This always brings it home when he can feel the kid moving around.  Makes it more real for both of us.
Oh, and 7 days until the ultrasound!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Today is a new day

And I'm getting beaten up for it.  I just posted last that there was nothing new going on, and then today happened.  All of a sudden, this kid has patterns.  I can tell when it's sleeping, or still at least, and I can tell when it's having a fit :)  Usually early in the morning when I first get to work, for about a half hour, then nothing until around lunchtime...then not much again until early evening, then right before bed.
Anyone see the pattern here?
It's mealtimes!  This kid is active when it's time to eat.  How cool is that?  It's like my own personal hunger alarm.  So as I'm typing this, it's almost 1pm and I'm getting kicked all over the place.  Time to run out for some lunch!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Not much to update

Today marks 10 days until the ultrasound.  I'm so excited I can't stand it. I certainly hope the results are what we want them to be (a healthy baby among other things)
Not much to update in the last week really.  Nothing new going on with me, our home situation is normal and steady...the kids have been off and on sick (again).  Steven has a cold coming on, and Christopher is just getting over double ear infections (again) and I think he's getting another cold.  Boy, I can't wait for warm weather.  The winter really does these kids in.
One new development on the baby front.  Christopher was playing with the doctor kit last night, and wanted to listen to the babies heartbeat.  When he put his little stethoscope on my stomach he said "Sounds good Mommy" and the baby started jumping all over the place!  I know at this age (19 weeks) they can hear pretty well, I wonder if this one was actually responding to the big brother's voice?  How cool is that?
We've also started taking belly shots and will do so every couple of weeks.  I'll be putting together a collage comparing the first two kids with this one...I'll post the picture soon for week 17.  You'll be shocked at how big I am :)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Test Results are in...

And the AFP (Triple Screen) came back with no problems. You have no idea what a relief that is to hear. I've been so paranoid since finding out about this pregnancy that there was something wrong. I don't know why, I just have. It's very nice to know the first preliminary test came back normal.

Kid is still kicking away, even though Ted still doesn't believe it. :) What am I gonna do with this man?

Steven has started giving me one extra kiss each night before bed for the baby. He will also walk up to me out of the blue and holler at my stomach. I've told him that the baby can hear him now, and he's certainly taking advantage of it. What a riot.

The dreams have subsided for now. I'm not sure if that's a phase, or if it's just because I haven't been sleeping. I'm starting to wake up a couple of times each night (what fun) and now it's getting harder to sleep on my back. Ah, the joys of impending motherhood!

Oh yeah, only 20 days until the ultrasound!