28 weeks...counting the days
I've actually accomplished something! The boys bunk beds are being delivered today. Whew. It's so nice to have something crossed off the list. Of course, crossing off the bunk beds means I still have to focus on painting, buying mattresses, switching rooms, etc. Hey, it's a start right?
Yesterday was Steven's 5th birthday. Wow. 5 years flies by like nothing. He's so excited to be 5. He talked about it all day long. We spent the entire day as a family, museum/aquarium site seeing, out to eat, park time, etc. It was really a nice day. I think he had a great time. Tomorrow is his birthday party. A real "big kid" party too. Up until now, it's all been family parties at our house. I'm really looking forward to this one.
I also spent about an hour in the doctors office on Wednesday getting a nice big Rhogam shot and having blood drawn. What fun that was! Now we're set to have appointments every two weeks. The end is very near...and very scary.