The Third Murray......We're a Handful!

Two working parents, with 3 kids under age 5!


You Need Tupperware Supporting the Formula Feeding Parents

Monday, January 30, 2006


So I've felt this baby kicking for a couple of weeks now, which is not uncommon from what I know and read.  Especially with subsequent pregnancies, movements are felt quicker than the first.  With Steven, I felt him kick around 18 weeks, with Christopher it was the end of 15 weeks.  This one, right on queue at the end of 15 weeks. 
Now I ask you, why is that so hard for Ted to believe?  His standard response...Eh, it's gas.  Hey man, I know the difference between gas and a person kicking me in the stomach.  Sheesh.  Men.
17 weeks.  I'm almost half way there and I can't for the life of me figure out where the time is going.  I haven't done anything outside of buying some nursery supplies for the baby.  I still have to get the rooms organized, move the boys into their room together, and get the nursery setup.  Not to mention buying a new carseat (or two), buying the few things we'll need to replenish from the last two  (bottles, diapers etc).  I've been telling myself that I'll wait until we find out what the sex is, but I'm running out of time fast.  I guess this weekend will be a busy one.  I'm off to go bunk bed shopping.
Too many weird dreams this weekend to tell you about.  Nothing really stood out, so stay tuned for the next installment.

Friday, January 27, 2006

16 week Appt Update

It's a GIRL!
GOTCHA.  No, not really, I'm kidding.  We won't know that until February 23rd, when our ultrasound is scheduled.  And if we don't know it then, we'll have another one, and so forth until I'm satisfied with the results being 100%.
Appt went well, it was the first one we've ever had that lasted about 65 seconds.
How are you feeling?
Good, let's find a heartbeat.
Thump...Thump...140, right on track.
OK, the nurse will take some blood on the way out, see you next month!
No kidding, that's how long it took.  Wonder if we can get this guy to deliver the kid in July?
So, on February 23rd, stay tuned for an update that will rock the world, or at least, rock our world.  Either way, I think I'm going to pass out when I hear the sex of this baby, so it's a good thing I'll be lying down when they tell us.
As for my crazy pregnancy dream last night...well, I can't tell you, but rest assured, it was just as crazy as the others have been :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More odd dreams and some gymnastics

OK last nights dream involved some old friends from high school, and Dave Attell.  Ted and I were staying at their house, but it was actually 1991 all over again.  Dave Attell was drunk all the time, and we couldn't figure out why, but he wasn't funny.  Wonder where that part of it came from?  Mostly our days and my dream consisted of hanging  out at their house, having some drinks and always running out of cigarettes.  Good times?
Today is my 16 week doc appt.  Should get to hear the heartbeat and schedule the ultrasound appt.  I'll post when we get that situated.  That should be the most exciting day until the kid gets here.
As for the kicking update, I seem to get punched and hit on a regular basis after dark. This little 3 ounce person can do some pretty good moving when he/she wants to.  I had forgotten what a cool feeling that was though, sort of like someone tapping their fingers on your stomach rapidly.  These are the simple joys in life.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Long Weekend

The Braxton hicks are really starting to get on my nerves.  It's pretty much constant since saturday night now, and I walk around like I'm on crutches.  It's really pathetic.
My next appt is this wednesday afternoon.  Should be about 2 weeks to a month before I get my ultrasound.  I'm looking forward to that.  I'd like to be able to use him/her when referring to the baby, instead of IT. 
I've also ordered and now received all the new baby stuff that I'm purchasing for this one.  There's a line of baby gear that wasn't available when Steven was born, that I've decided to go with for this one.  I've used the same stuff this whole time, I think it's about time to get something new.  This will be the last time we do this, let's make sure we have fun with it.
Crazy dream update...
Last night, I dreamt that a friend of ours came over to eat lasagna.  This may not sound wierd to you, but the fact that we had to eat in it our pajamas sitting on the bed felt a little "odd".

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Odd dream of the day

Forgot to add last night's weird dream.
Ted came home from "somewhere" with great news.  He'd been playing one on one with some pro basketball player and they guy was coming over to our house!  Now I know the guys face, but I can't tell you who he was. 
Anyway, here's the odd part. Ted had to rush to build a skateboard ramp in the living room before he got there, in case the guy wanted to skate...HUH?  So that's how it ended, the guy was skating in the living room with Ted, and he was having a blast.  Oh yeah, and the ball player gave us handheld versions of his game to play too.
I can't wait until tonight's dream. 

How many D's in Ultrasound?

Answer?  4.  At least 4 in the ultrasound we'll be getting. 
No, the doctor doesn't have the facility to do 4-d ultrasounds, but I found a place in Chesapeake that will do them for us.  They offer two packages, 1 for just gender prediction and it includes a couple of B&W photos, for $85.  Or we can wait until I'm 24 weeks, then get one with video, color photos and all kinds of data for $150.  I'm opting for the first one, selfishly of course.  I want to know now...boy or girl.
I'll call and setup an appt next week, after my 16 week OB visit.  They should be scheduling me for the 2-d ultrasound then as well.  Wonder if they'll be able to tell the gender this time?  Ah, who cares, I'll find out one way or the other!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Movin on...

So last night, while watching TV, this kid finally moved!  Well, moved so I could feel it at least.  It's about time too, I might add.  WIth Christopher, it was 15 weeks, 6 days when I first felt the kick, yesterday was 15 weeks 2 days so I'm right on target.   In fact, while sitting at my desk this morning, it happened again.  So begins a long 5 month journey of getting beaten up on a daily basis! 
I think Dad and I will start taking pictures soon of my stomach.  Much to my dismay, it's starting to grow now visibly.  So we'll have to work on documentation for that. 
I kept a pregnancy journal for the first two kids, but decided to do things a bit different with this third one.  Most everything is different with each new child, but I like the journal aspect...I will just write this one in general, not specifically to the baby.  I want my kids to have something to read when they're grown, so they can know just what it was like for Mom to carry them for 9 months (and then some). 
We all went out to dinner last night, and it dawned on me that once the baby is here, we will have to start sitting in the BIG tables.  No more 4 tops for us.  It's the big family tables in the back if we want to go out and eat! I also read a bit of a journal yesterday written by a woman about her Big family.  She had 3 kids.  Since when does 3 kids equal a BIG family?  I figured that was about average?  Guess I was wrong.
Latest strange pregnancy dream?
> Last night I dreamt I lost my license for mouthing off to a police officer.  They gave me a card in place of my license that said "this lady can't drive, she can't keep her mouth shut"  :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Which Name to pick?

Our latest issue is picking names.  We've always had a name picked for a girl, but since that hasn't worked out the best our first two tries, we're going with something new this time.  So Laura is no more.  Sad to see it go, but it just seems to be a jinx.
We've been asking Steven what his thoughts were on the subject, thinking that if he came up with something good we'd go with it, and he'd be thrilled.
So our first attempt, I ask him what names he thinks would be good if the baby is a brother...  His response?
I believe we'll keep thinking about it :)
No, we're not going to tell anyone what the names are until the baby gets here.  Sorry, but just can't do that. I've become extremely superstitious here recently, and I think it's a jinx to tell names before it's time.  So you'll all have to wait.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Long day Friday

So I did take off yesterday and did alot of work in the house. I gave away about 1/3 of the toys the boys have collected over the past 4 years. I found a church down the road that takes them and gives them to other families. Couldn't think of a better place to send them. 1 really huge box, 6 bags and some big ticket items. The kids don't even miss them.

They did notice how nice their rooms looked, and I swear, since then they've actually been trying to keep the toys picked up. Won't that be nice?

We're going to try to get them into the same room within the next couple of weeks. It will be better to do it early, so they can adjust before the baby gets here. And since I'm feeling better, I'd better take advantage of the free time in the next few months.

Now I'm off to tend to cleaning closets. Wish me luck, I may not see the light of day for a week :(

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I can tell you that now that my belly is officially showing.  I can't keep it a secret anymore,although I'm trying REALLY hard.  Of course, baggy shirts and big belts are helping some.  They certainly weren't kidding with the "you show faster the more kids you have" line.  Hopefully I won't have to transition to the mommy clothes for at least a couple more months <wishful thinking

These Dreams

What is it with the crazy pregnant dreams? I don't remember getting these wierd dreams with my first two. Just in the last couple of nights, my house has been broken into, I've had to work on a car, and I've been violently ill from a horrible disease...all in my dreams.
Trust me, they may not sound that strange to you, but take a few minutes to lurk around in my dream world, you'll understand what I mean.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Busy Weekend

Today is Wednesday and it feels like Monday. I've been going since Thursday night. Tara's father passed away on Christmas, and the wake was on Thursday. Ted and I went to that, then spent the morning at the funeral on Ft. Eustis. He sounded like a really good man. Very sad.

Ted and I went out with some friends to a hockey game on Friday night, and had such a good time. I mean, I can't explain how much fun it was. I'm so glad I went. I needed that.

Saturday we spent the whole day at home, then Sunday did pretty much the same thing. Since we both had Monday off, we did some shopping, and I just feel exhausted!

I'm officially 13 weeks pregnant, which means the baby is about the size of a peach. Steven is getting a huge kick out of that too. He loves to show people how big the baby is. I'm sort of looking forward to showing a bit more, maybe that will keep him from the playtime that always involves a shot to the stomach. He doesn't mean to do it, but it always ends up that way.

The fatigue is getting much better, and I actually feel like doing some thing now. I think I will take Friday off work and start cleaning out closets. WHEE! That sure will be fun! Start with #1 on the list of things to do and just keep moving, right?