The Third Murray......We're a Handful!

Two working parents, with 3 kids under age 5!


You Need Tupperware Supporting the Formula Feeding Parents

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Burritos, National Geographic and Digital Cameras

So do you like Mexican food?  I love Mexican food, always have.  A good plate of enchiladas and burritos suits me just fine.  Not too spicy, just right.


That is, until I got pregnant.


Now I LOVE Mexican food.  I mean, I crave it.  Last night I made chicken enchiladas.  After 3, I was a little upset that I didn't make more.  I think there may be a trip to Plaza in my near future to fill that void (say around lunchtime today).  And I'm not the only one.  Little girl loves Mexican food too.  Usually about 15 minutes after I start eating, she starts the acrobatics, and doesn't quit until she's done with her meal.  Ted posed the theory that she can hear the food coming and gets excited.  (A National Geographic show that told us the babies can hear the food moving around).  Perhaps it's anticipation?  Maybe Mexican food sounds different in the digestive tract?  Does this have anything to do with my two boys obsession lately with maracas?  Surely I don't know. 


22 weeks and counting.  Time for another belly shot too.  I've started merging those together so we can track the progress of all pregnancies, and compare and contrast.  At this point, I'm a bit larger than with the last two.  Nana likes to say it's because "I look like I've put on ALOT more weight this time".  Sheesh.  Why not just say the word fat?  May sting a little, but at least it's straight forward :) 


I don't care.  I make big, healthy babies.  Batting 2 for 2 right now...I have no reason to think otherwise with this one.  But still keeping the fingers crossed for the best.  You never know.



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